
The Beauty of Open Adoption: From the Perspective of an Adoption Triad

Open Adoption is a journey filled with complexities, emotions, and ultimately love. In the most recent episodes of Adoptions From The Heart TV (AFTHtv), we are introduced to an adoption triad; birth parents, adoptive parents, and an adoptee. In Season 15 Episode 2, we meet Nicki, the birth mother of Mia and in Episode 3, we are introduced to Brian, the birth father of Mia. In Episode 4, we get to see the perspectives of Chad & Jelana, Mia’s adoptive parents, and Mia herself. Through this three-part series, Mia’s adoption triad displays the profound impact of open adoption on the lives of everyone involved. 

Nicki’s Journey

Fifteen years ago, during her first winter of college, Nicki found herself facing an unexpected pregnancy. Feeling overwhelmed and uncertain, she made the brave decision to place her child for adoption. Originally, Nicki was going to place her child with her grandparents’ neighbors who were looking to adopt a second child, but they ultimately decided to wait. With one month left until her baby was born, Nicki began researching adoption agencies where she found Adoptions From the Heart. Through AFTH, Nicki met Joan, a compassionate social worker who guided her through the process with care and understanding. Nicki quickly chose Chad and Jelana as the adoptive parents, recognizing the embodiment of the values she hoped for her child in them. Today, Nicki maintains a beautiful open relationship with Mia and her adoptive parents, cherishing yearly visits filled with love and gratitude. 

Brian’s Experience 

Brian, Mia’s birth father, initially had little knowledge of open adoption, only knowing what he saw on television and movies about adoption. He immediately supported Nicki in her adoption decision, and with the support of AFTH and Joan, he embraced the adoption journey. Despite the initial emotional challenges, Brian remains deeply connected to Mia and her adoptive family, recognizing the importance of communication and prioritizing Mia’s well-being more than anything else. His journey is a splendid example of the power of support and understanding the process of adoption. 

Chad and Jelana’s Perspective 

Chad and Jelana originally decided to pursue open adoption because of their desire to provide their child with a sense of security and identity. From the moment they received the call informing them of Mia’s arrival, they were committed to being present every step of the way. Their unshakeable love and dedication to Mia’s well-being is evident in the warmhearted bond they share with her birth parents. By embracing openness, Chad and Jelana have created a nurturing environment where Mia feels grounded in her roots and surrounded by love. 

Celebrating Family Bonds 

Mia, who is the centerpiece of this adoption triad embodies the love and pride that defines open adoption. From proudly sharing her adoption story in Show and Tell to cherishing annual gatherings with her birth and adoptive families, Mia is the epitome of embracing one’s heritage while celebrating the bonds of family. 

A Journey of Love and Understanding 

Through the stories of Nicki, Brian, Chad, Jelana, and Mia, we witness the profound impact of open adoption on the lives of everyone involved in the adoption triad. These perspectives give us insight into the importance of support, communication, and of course, love, in navigating the experience of adoption. 

Adoptions From The Heart remains committed to supporting families and individuals throughout their adoption journey. 

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