Adoption, Birth Fathers, birth mother, Birth Parents, considering adoption, Domestic Adoption, Open Adoption, Uncategorized

How to tell your friends and family about an unplanned pregnancy

The most important thing to remember when experiencing an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy is that there is no reason to be ashamed. According to the CDC, 51% of pregnancies in the United States annually are unplanned ( Unwanted and unplanned pregnancies happen far more often than you think because most forms of contraception are not… Continue reading How to tell your friends and family about an unplanned pregnancy

Adoptees, Adoption, adoptive parents, birth mother, Birth Parents, Open Adoption

Birth Mother’s Day: A Brief History on the Celebration

Does the term Birth Mother’s Day sound familiar to you? This holiday may sound unfamiliar unless you are a part of the adoption community, but that does not diminish its importance.  What is Birth Mother’s Day? National Birth Mother’s Day has been celebrated every year, since 1990, on the Saturday before Mother’s Day (which is… Continue reading Birth Mother’s Day: A Brief History on the Celebration

Adoptees, Adoption, adoptive parents, Birth Parents, Open Adoption

The Importance of Communication between Adoptive and Birth Families

Having an open adoption with some degree of communication between adoptive and birth families has proven beneficial for all involved. This open adoption process makes it much easier on the birth parents in terms of coping with feelings of loss and grief. They can stay updated on their biological child and know that they are… Continue reading The Importance of Communication between Adoptive and Birth Families

Adoptees, Adoption, adoptive parents, Birth Fathers, birth mother, Birth Parents, considering adoption, multicultural families, Open Adoption

Best Blog Posts of 2021

As 2021 comes to a close, we would like to recognize some of the most impactful blogs we published this year. These blogs are great resources for all members of the adoption triad, and we hope that you can benefit from the information provided! Things to Consider Before You Adopt Transracially  Transracial adoption is very… Continue reading Best Blog Posts of 2021

Adoption, adoptive parents, birth mother, Birth Parents, breastfeeding, Expecting Parents Considering Adoption, new mothers, Open Adoption, prospective adoptive parents

Breastfeeding and Adoption

The first week of August is National Breastfeeding Week. Over the years, breastfeeding retains scrutiny from many groups of people. Some champion bottle feeding and maintain the idea that breastfeeding is inappropriate, especially in public settings. Some champion women's rights and believe a woman should choose for herself when and where to breastfeed her child.… Continue reading Breastfeeding and Adoption

Adoption, adoptive parents, Birth Fathers, Birth Grandparents, birth mother, Birth Parent Visits, considering adoption, Expecting Parents Considering Adoption, Open Adoption, Parenting, prospective adoptive parents

Why Are Visits So Important for the Adoptive Triad?

Why visits are so meaningful and how to promote healthy relationships for every individual AFTH birth mother Samantha helping daughter Charlotte walk during a visit at Millburn Orchard Last year was challenging and frightening. With so many unknowns from the coronavirus, our lives had to halt, keeping us confined to our homes. In order to… Continue reading Why Are Visits So Important for the Adoptive Triad?

Adoption, adoption laws, adoptive parents, considering adoption, LGBT, Open Adoption, single parent adoption

LGBTQ Adoption History

              June is Pride Month, and it is the perfect time to celebrate the progression of LGBTQ rights, which gives all kinds of families a beautiful way to expand through adoption. Historically, the government and many groups of people were not kind to LGBTQ people. Therefore, most of the changes that led to the right… Continue reading LGBTQ Adoption History

Adoptees, Adoption, adoptive parents, Birth Fathers, birth mother, Birth Parents, Expecting Parents Considering Adoption, Open Adoption, Parenting, transracial adoption, Uncategorized

This is Us: Who are the weatherman and librarian? Randall’s Transracial Support Group and Ghost Kingdoms

WARNING! Spoilers ahead. Season 5 Episode 13: A look into Randall’s Ghost Kingdom and experience at a transracial support group. Are you keeping up with NBC’s hit drama This is Us? This season dove deep into Randall’s feelings towards transracial adoption. Throughout season 5, the show portrays the conversations the Pearson family is starting to… Continue reading This is Us: Who are the weatherman and librarian? Randall’s Transracial Support Group and Ghost Kingdoms

Adoption, Birth Fathers, birth mother, Birth Parents, loss, Open Adoption

Love and Loss: A Birth Father’s Story

The story of Patty and Karl is one of immense love but also heartbreaking sorrow. After facing a lifetime of loss in a few short years, Karl needs our help honoring his recently departed wife’s memory and the love they shared. He and his wife placed a child with Adoptions From the Heart several years… Continue reading Love and Loss: A Birth Father’s Story

Kate and Toby meeting birth mother in the park to discuss possibility of creating an adoption plan.
Adoptees, Adoption, adoptive parents, Birth Fathers, birth mother, Birth Parents, considering adoption, Open Adoption, Parenting, prospective adoptive parents, transracial adoption, Uncategorized

Representation of Adoption in NBC’s “This is Us”

Warning: spoilers ahead! A look into how adoption is portrayed in Season 5. Kate and her husband Toby meeting Ellie, their future daughter's birth mom in a park. Have you joined the “This is Us” fan club yet? Now in its fifth season, the NBC hit drama explores different adoption storylines as it takes viewers… Continue reading Representation of Adoption in NBC’s “This is Us”