
What Happens When an Adoptive Family Expands and Has More Children?

The expansion of an adopted family introduces new factors that could affect the dynamics within the adoption triad, impacting adoptive parents, adoptees, and birth parents. When expanding your adoptive family, it is crucial to consider the emotional, social, and psychological effects on each adoption triad member and to support each other through this journey. An… Continue reading What Happens When an Adoptive Family Expands and Has More Children?


The Essential Role of Family Health History in Adoption

Understanding a child's family health history is crucial in adoption. It enables adoptive parents to identify potential health risks, prepare for challenges, make informed healthcare decisions, and foster open conversations with the child. The information promotes better medical care and enables a close bond between adoptive parents and their children.


Embracing Open Adoption

Open adoption is a type of adoption that involves a level of transparency and open communication between the biological and adoptive parents, including possible post-adoption contact. This process benefits the adopted child by allowing them to understand their roots, gain critical family health history, and find support from all sides. It fosters trust and respect between all parties, dismantles adoption-related stigmas, and promotes more inclusive and compassionate societies.


Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Post-Adoption Depression Syndrome

Parenthood is a transformative journey, regardless of how a child becomes a part of your family. While postpartum depression is widely recognized in biological parents, the emotional struggles of adoptive parents are often overlooked. Post-Adoption Depression Syndrome (PADS) is a real and complex issue that demands attention and understanding. In this blog post, we'll explore… Continue reading Navigating the Uncharted Waters of Post-Adoption Depression Syndrome

Birth Parents

Celebrating Wellness Month: How to promote Physical Health in Your Daily Life

When life is busy, the benefits of incorporating physical wellness into your routine No need for fancy equipment, improving your physical health is as easy as incorporating a walk or hike. It is no secret that health and happiness correlate. Yet when life gets busy and stressful, we often place wellness on the back burner.… Continue reading Celebrating Wellness Month: How to promote Physical Health in Your Daily Life

Adoption, Domestic Adoption, Parenting, prospective adoptive parents

Are You Ready to Adopt a Child?

Adopting a child is a huge commitment that should not be taken lightly. It takes a lot of time and effort for a person and or couple to decide to take in another child and raise that child as their own. Adopting a child is a huge milestone in both the parent(s) and the child's… Continue reading Are You Ready to Adopt a Child?

Adoption, adoptive parents, Parenting

Should I share that my child is adopted with his teachers?

As back to school rolls around, the school year signifies a time in which parents go above and beyond to ensure their children are as successful as they can be in the class. In the case of adoptees, this success can look a little different. The question of "should I share that my child is adopted with their teachers" begins to manifest.

Birth Parents, Expecting Parents Considering Adoption

I’m pregnant and don’t know what to do. What are my options?

You may be feeling a range of emotions right now, and it’s important to know that it is normal and that whatever you may be feeling is completely valid. Remember that you have options. These options are not one size fits all, so what may work for someone else may not work for you. Let’s… Continue reading I’m pregnant and don’t know what to do. What are my options?

Adoption, adoption laws

Same-Sex Adoption at Adoptions From The Heart

History of Same-Sex Adoption Same-Sex adoption is such a massive part of the adoption industry today that it's almost hard to believe that being LGBTQ+2 was looked down upon at one point in time. Sadly, the history of same-sex adoption is a brief one. Most of the history can be traced to the last 40… Continue reading Same-Sex Adoption at Adoptions From The Heart


The Importance of Hospital Staff and Nurse Training on Adoption

Adoption has many moving parts. From birth parents, adoptive parents, and agency workers, to lawyers, extended families, and hospital staff and nurses. Each individual part has a different perspective and role in the adoption process. Since nurses and hospital staff are often unaware of the intricate pieces of the adoption world, it’s sometimes hard for… Continue reading The Importance of Hospital Staff and Nurse Training on Adoption