Adoption, adoptive parents, Parenting

Should I share that my child is adopted with his teachers?

As back to school rolls around, the school year signifies a time in which parents go above and beyond to ensure their children are as successful as they can be in the class. In the case of adoptees, this success can look a little different. The question of "should I share that my child is adopted with their teachers" begins to manifest.

Adoption, adoptive parents, Parenting, Support Groups, waiting

Grief in the Adoption Process 

 When it comes to the adoption process, many uncertainties can arise during the process. Any family with plans to adopt should understand these things. Some of these uncertainties can cause grief, which can be defined as a natural response to loss that causes emotional suffering. We will cover some instances that may trigger grief in… Continue reading Grief in the Adoption Process 

Adoptees, Adoption, adoptive parents, Birth Parents, Parenting

Things to Consider When Having Open Conversations With Your Adoptive Child  

Adopting a child is a milestone achievement in itself, and while it is an amazing feeling to have a child, it does not mean it is easy. Communication is vital in every relationship, and open communication with your child is no exception. As your adoptive child begins to grow older and experience new things, they… Continue reading Things to Consider When Having Open Conversations With Your Adoptive Child  

Adoptees, Adoption, adoptive parents, birth mother, Birth Parents, Open Adoption

Birth Mother’s Day: A Brief History on the Celebration

Does the term Birth Mother’s Day sound familiar to you? This holiday may sound unfamiliar unless you are a part of the adoption community, but that does not diminish its importance.  What is Birth Mother’s Day? National Birth Mother’s Day has been celebrated every year, since 1990, on the Saturday before Mother’s Day (which is… Continue reading Birth Mother’s Day: A Brief History on the Celebration

Adoption, adoptive parents, considering adoption, Expecting Parents Considering Adoption, Parenting

Conversation with a Adoptive Mother and Social Worker

This week, I had the pleasure of speaking to a social worker here at Adoptions from the Heart, who also happens to be an adoptive mother. I was able to ask a few questions about her experiences as both a social worker and an adoptive mother and how the two have shaped each other. Follow… Continue reading Conversation with a Adoptive Mother and Social Worker

Adoptees, Adoption, adoptive parents, Birth Parents, Open Adoption

The Importance of Communication between Adoptive and Birth Families

Having an open adoption with some degree of communication between adoptive and birth families has proven beneficial for all involved. This open adoption process makes it much easier on the birth parents in terms of coping with feelings of loss and grief. They can stay updated on their biological child and know that they are… Continue reading The Importance of Communication between Adoptive and Birth Families

Adoptees, Adoption, adoptive parents, Birth Fathers, birth mother, Birth Parents, considering adoption, multicultural families, Open Adoption

Best Blog Posts of 2021

As 2021 comes to a close, we would like to recognize some of the most impactful blogs we published this year. These blogs are great resources for all members of the adoption triad, and we hope that you can benefit from the information provided! Things to Consider Before You Adopt Transracially  Transracial adoption is very… Continue reading Best Blog Posts of 2021

Adoptees, Adoption, adoptive parents, birth mother

Celebrating the Holidays in Open Adoption: The Adoption Triad  

The adoption triad is composed of birth parents, adoptive parents, and adoptees. Within the triad, there is a relationship between all adoption triad members, and it is important to acknowledge each unique connection. With the holidays coming up, recognizing and honoring the relationships is key in creating and maintaining healthy relationships with all members in the triad.   Birth… Continue reading Celebrating the Holidays in Open Adoption: The Adoption Triad  

Adoptees, Adoption, adoption funding, adoptive parents, Birth Fathers, birth mother

8 Ways to Celebrate National Adoption Month

November is finally here, and that means it's National Adoption Month! It is a time to celebrate adoption and each triad member and recognize the challenges it brings. Sometimes it can seem challenging to figure out how to participate, but there are many ways to become involved and spread awareness! This article will inform you… Continue reading 8 Ways to Celebrate National Adoption Month

Adoptees, adoptive parents, discriminination

Dealing with Bullying for Adoptees

Adopted children may encounter bullying and teasing throughout their lives. Bullying of adoptees can be about race, gender, adoption status, development, social skills, and much more. Teasing and bullying can easily be dismissed as “kids being kids” or you, as an adoptive parent, can relate to a time that you were bullied or teased. While… Continue reading Dealing with Bullying for Adoptees